“Successful Inventing” Series Starts May 29, 2024

Without research, effort, and tireless promotion, an invention will not go very far. It is saddening when we observe some of our most creative clients failing to get their products sold because they may lack time, wherewithal, or inclination to pursue the development of their inventions. So we were happy to learn about the USPTO’s …

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Fundamentals of the patent-application process workshop, 1/12/23

First-time patent-application filers interested in learning about the patent process from start to finish are invited to join the USPTO’s three-day workshop to learn the fundamentals of the patent-application process. The Stakeholder Application Readiness Training (StART) is for independent inventors and entrepreneurs. Day Three is from 9 am — 4 pm on Jan. 12, 2023 …

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Licensing your Invention

Profiting from intellectual property requires a choice: license your patented invention for royalties, or produce it, market it, and sell it yourself. Here are some licensing tips Scott has compiled from his experiences with inventors over the last 15 years. Tip #1: License it or manufacture it yourself? Unless you have the the time, money, …

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