The 2002 U.S. Patent for Psychological Warfare

This past weekend, the New York Times reported that American diplomats suffered “sonic delusions” and possible brain damage during mysterious sonic attacks in 2016 in Havana, Cuba and Guangzhou, China. The “microwave weapon” attacks caused the medical evacuation of 21 American diplomats in 2017, as well as the expulsion by President Trump of Cuban diplomats …

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Your Invention, Globally

Ever since this thing called the Internet erased our horizons, many of us have found ourselves conducting business far outside the United States. For many of our clients, filing a patent in the United States is not enough. They seek also to protect their invention overseas, where the rules are different. U.S. patents do not afford …

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Trump and Pumps: a Tale of Two Tariffs

Trump’s proposed tariffs bode poorly for small business. When you work with startups, you get a ground-level view of economic trends in action. In the last few weeks we’ve been watching how the Trump administration’s new trade threats are affecting our clients. As you probably know, President Trump just announced tariffs of 25 percent on about …

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The Mamas of Invention

Q. What do these innovations have in common? – The Space Suit – Step-On Garbage Cans – The Bra – Random Radio Frequency – Kevlar ® – AZT – The Mars Rover A. They were all invented by women. We learned this from the awesome book Patently Female: From AZT to TV Dinners, Stories of Women …

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Eccentric Inventors, Boring CEOs

THE HEALTHY DIVIDE BETWEEN INNOVATORS AND MANAGERS Karen James is one of those software developers: focused, methodical, binary. She is also inventive. She can envision a solution to a problem via lines of code. In the early 90’s Karen wrote a software application that medical staff could use to keep track of patients and manage …

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Big Fat Pharma and the “Free Market”

The United States government, through its National Institutes of Health (NIH), supports thousands of drug trials each year, and spends about $40 billion per year on research. 

At the same time, it continues to grant legal monopolies to companies in the form of patents. These patents are supposed to last 20 years, but some of …

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Eighty Percent of our Clients are White Males.

(Originally published May 8, 2019) Eighty percent of our clients are white males. That’s cool, but we’d like to see more women and BIPOC inventors represented. So would the patent office. To that end, the United States Patent and Trademark Office is soliciting comments during open sessions to promote the SUCCESS Act of 2018. Here’s …

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Six Lawsuits Filed Against Humira Maker

Pharma Company Accused of Using Legal Tricks to Squash Generic Version Last October, we wrote about the tactics used by pharma company AbbVie to artificially extend its patents on its billion-dollar drug Humira. Now six groups are filing lawsuits against AbbVie for “anticompetitive conduct.” Humira is a rheumatoid-arthritis and gut-disorders drug that enjoys sales of …

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Ford: Making Tailgating Great Again

Not to be outdone by Toyota’s “Party Mode” feature, Ford just patented its new “Portable entertainment support system for a pickup truck box” (Patent #10,207,623). It’s an entertainment center for the back of your pickup truck, offering a “plurality of receptacles in sidewalls of a truck box spaced above a truck bed” that make it …

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Ford is making tailgating great again… again.

It used to be that you drove your car to a movie theater to watch a movie. Or you drove to a drive-in theater to watch a movie from your car. But who wants that? Why stray more than a few feet from your car, or your driveway for that matter, to enjoy Great Movie …

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