World’s biggest-selling drug company cheats competitors and consumers as they extend their exclusive right to sell Humira

The makers of the world’s biggest-selling drug cheat competitors and consumers as they extend their exclusive right to sell Humira. Humira is a rheumatoid-arthritis and gut-disorders drug that enjoys sales of around $18 billion a year. Last Tuesday, one of its patents was set to expire. When a drug’s patent expires, generic manufacturers are free …

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The Perils of Gaming the Provisional Patent

The US Patent and Trademark Office gives inventors a sort of patenting grace period in the form of a provisional patent. Companies and inventors who think they can exploit this can end up burned. Protecting an innovation with a patent is an enduring American tradition dating back to the time of Thomas Jefferson. The patent …

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Fear Sells, and Amazon Wants to Sell It.

(Originally published Dec 20, 2018) Amazon applied for a patent that decides whether the face in your peephole belongs to a “suspicious” person. “Generating Composite Facial Images Using Audio/Video Recording and Communication Devices”
uses facial-recognition technology to compose an image of the face of the person at your door. The image would be sent by smartphone …

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A Patent is as Strong as Its Claims

Not all patents are created equal. If you browsed through the eight-million-plus patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) since 1836, you would find a surprising number of inventions that would not stand against infringement.  Some patents are considered stronger than others. The difference lies not just in the usefulness of …

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