Trademark Basics Bootcamp Starts 1/10/23

Trademark Basics Workshop Boot CampYou don’t need an attorney to apply for a trademark. If you’re filing yourself, be informed: first, do a search, and learn the difference between trademarks and service marks, and standard character formats vs. special-form formats.

Learn it all at the USPTO’s Trademark Basics Boot Camp.

This free, eight-part weekly series begins Tuesday, January 10, 2023, from 2 — 3:30 PM ET, with Trademark Fundamentals.

The event is free, but space is limited. Sign up before Jan. 9 at the USPTO’s events page.

The series covers the federal trademark registration process from pre-filing to post-registration. Every session includes a question-and-answer portion and is self-contained, so you can attend the full series or only the modules you’re interested in.

Topics include:

  • Definitions and types of trademarks
  • Benefits of federal registration
  • Selecting a trademark
  • Filing and registration
  • Finding help

Sign up before Jan. 9 at the USPTO’s events page.

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